IWRM Action Hub

Nexus comprehensive methodological framework

Description / Abstract

Reviewing the NEXUS literature over the last years reveals the lack of a well-developed Comprehensive NEXUS Methodological Framework that can be easily understood and implemented by linking and making up of the structure, confguration, organization, arrangement, composition or skeleton of a collection of elements or entities.

The literature features diferent conceptualizations of the Nexus which vary in their scope, goals, and understanding of drivers and pressures. This proposed Comprehensive NEXUS Methodological Framework seeks to suggest an Approach that outlines explicitly how the NEXUS Concept should be performed. Specifcally, how the Water-Energy-Food Nexus (WEF Nexus) could be implemented (targeting mainly the Arab Region). The WEF Nexus Approach seeks to help with providing the structure, confguration, organization and composition of methods and procedures to be used for implementing relevant projects, activities, initiatives and interventions.

With the aim of adopting a qualitative approach that is based on analysing several variations and contexts to make conceptual distinctions and organize ideas regarding the implementation of Water-Energy-Food nexus, the study reviewed the most relevant concepts of the WEF Nexus, evaluated the current status of the WEF in the Arab Region, defned the ultimate goal of the framework, prioritized the main inputs of the framework, identifed the most relevant drivers and links between diferent sectors, and developed the framework based on close consultation with key stakeholders.

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Source URL:https://iwrmactionhub.org/resource/nexus-comprehensive-methodological-framework