Rianna Gonzales
in community SAYWIN Community

Global Integrated Flood and Drought Management Competition for #Youth-led Projects



Early warning systems (EWS) help society to prepare for, and respond to, all types of disasters, including those related to hydrometeorological hazards. They save lives and minimize potential economic and environmental damages. Several international initiatives at the regional and global levels address EWSs. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 specifically highlights the need to “substantially increase the availability of and access to multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster-risk information and assessments to the people by 2030.” It urges efforts to make forecasting and EWSs more efficient, integrated, and sustainable. While the complexities and challenges are many, young professionals can play a role in integrating EWSs now and in the future. They bring energy and enthusiasm as well as openness and flexibility to try new things and adopt innovation, especially in communications. These characteristics can help promote integration of the EWSs value chain and ensure an interdisciplinary approach.



To showcase how people-centred EWS approaches can be advanced by or through the involvement of youth.

To acknowledge, promote and encourage the involvement and actions by and through young people in integrated flood and drought management.


people-centered Approaches to Flood and Drought EWS. One, several, or all of the following themes should be addressed by your project.

A. Monitoring: Innovative monitoring for EWS

B. Warning Dissemination: Innovative ways to disseminate early warnings

C. Communication and Awareness Raising: Innovative approaches to increase the preparedness and ability of the population to react appropriately to warnings

D. Impact mapping: Innovative mapping of hazard impacts to improve the      understanding of the vulnerability and feedback into the EWS to enhance it


For more information, check this link 

Youth Engagement – Associated Programme on Flood Management
